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                                                                                     Around and Around “others”

“Every portrait that is painted with feelings is a portrait of the artist, not of the sitter”. Oscar Wilde

The idea was generated under certain circumstances, during a period of four months when I was in a hospital;  there I had the possibility to express my artistic endeavor. By observing people in the hospital and the tube station in Athens, I made a collection of photos with the use of my mobile. This collection of photographs were used both as visual and emotional stimulants for my final paintings.


Those paintings (30 portraits 30x40, acrylics on canvas) were combined with a text that I wrote and it became my final project. This project -Degree dissertation(2012)- was graded with 10 which is the highest grade. Furthermore, each portrait was contextualized by a satirical or a tragic story, thus I created a triangle between my every-day life, art, and myself.

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